Morse codeMorse code Alphabet... (max. 4 Characters) ._ A __. G __ M ... S _.__ Y _... B .... H _. N _ T __.. Z _._. C .. I ___ O .._ U _.. D .___ J .__. P ..._ V . E _._ K __._ Q .__ W .._. F ._.. L ._. R _.._ X Numbers... (5 Characters) .---- 1 -.... 6 ..--- 2 --... 7 ...-- 3 ---.. 8 ....- 4 ----. 9 ..... 5 ----- 0 Punctuation marks... (6 Characters) Point (.) .-.-.- (AAA) Comma (,) --..-- (MIM) Question-mark (?) ..--.. (IMI) Colon (:) ---... (OS) Hyphen (-) -....- (BA) Clamp () -.--.- (KK) Special morse codes... Word understand . (E) Word not understand - (T) Number understand Number Number not understand - (T) Full text understand ...-. (VE) Full text not understand ..--.. (IMI) Ende of transmission .-.-. (AR) Wait .-... (EB) Signalisation is bad .-...-. (RF) Slower ....-.. (SL) Lights lower .--..--. (PP) Lights stronger .-...-.. (LL) Break the transmission .--... (AB) Error ........ Morse key German morse alphabet for learning Jede Silbe mit dem Buchstaben O bedeutet einen Strich, jede andere Silbe einen Punkt. Jedes Merkwort beginnt mit dem Buchstaben, den es bezeichnet. Ar-nold = .- Bo-na-par-te = .-.- Con-di-to-rei = -.-. Don-ners-tag = -.. Ei = . Fen-ster-bo-gen = ..-. Gross-on-kel = --. Hueh-ner-au-ge = .... I-da = .. Jagd-mo-tor-boot = .--- Kom-man-do = -.- Li-mo-na-de = .-.. Mo-tor = -- No-tar = -. O-vo-sport = --- Phi-lo-so-phie = .--. Quo-ko-ri-ko = --.- Re-vol-ver = .-. Sae-bel-griff = ... Tod = - U-ni-form = ..- Ven-ti-la-tor = ...- Wind-mo-tor = .-- Xo-ki-mil-ko = -..- Yo-schi-mo-to = -.-- Zo-ro-a-ster = --.. last update: September 28, 1995 send comments to: